The Holy Spirit has pressed upon us to put together a reference source that will help Gather The Sheep and point the way to exploring the many revelations spoken by our Lord through His prophets during these turbulent End Times.
It is our hope that you find the information on this site as a great starting point for delving deeper into the many resources that each Prophet has to offer. We are confident that your journey will bring you to the stark realization that we are currently in the battle of our lives between Good and Evil. As a result, we MUST develop a close loving relationship with the Lord Jesus for our very salvation and survival, and that the most precious thing that we can do is the preservation/sanctification of our soul for an eternity in His Kingdom.
When researching any Prophet listed anywhere on this website, and in the Prophetic Directory Section, ask the Holy Spirit for discernment, and use Bible Scripture to check the validity of everything you hear. Not everyone is a Prophet, and not all are called by our Lord to the Office of the Prophet. There are various degrees of prophetic gifting inclusive here. The Prophetic Directory includes some individuals called to the Office, but a great majority have a gifting to a much lesser degree – so due diligence in discernment is vital here.