All Rights Reserved Gather The Sheep International Ministries 2024

Greetings to all my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus. Welcome to the Gather the Sheep Website and International Ministry. For the past several years, the Lord has led our small Ministry to provide assistance to orphans with food, clothing and shelter. In 2016, we began our ministry with the  construction and planting of Christian Jesus worshiping churches in India and in Kenya. We also began with assisting those ministries with financial support for the building of End Times Safe Houses, Safe Havens, also sometimes referred to as Arks of Safety for Christians. However, during the past several years, the Lord has focused our ministry on the diverse care of orphans in India, Kenya and Uganda, which would not only include food, clothing and supplies, but also construction projects such as male and female dormitory rooms, and latrine facilities. Unless directed otherwise by the Lord, all future construction projects will focus on the support of God’s orphans who no longer have any parents to help and guide them. Dormitory and Latrine construction pics can be seen here under the “Kenya Outreach”. We encourage you to check out all of the pics of a portion of church construction projects that have been completed by Gather the Sheep Ministries. 
If you are lead by the Holy Spirit to donate to support destitute orphans in India, Kenya and Uganda, this Ministry will ensure that 100% of every donation received (0% administrative) will go directly to the care of these orphans via food, clothing, supplies, shelter and construction/facilities. We thank you for your generosity, your kindness and compassion for God’s Children in these less fortunate areas. The Lord will use these places to care for, disciple and gather His Sheep. 


A Pointer To The Prophets

The Holy Spirit has pressed upon us to put together a reference source that will help Gather The Sheep and point the way to exploring the many revelations spoken by our Lord through His prophets during these turbulent End Times.

It is our hope that you find the information on this site as a great starting point for delving deeper into the many resources that each Prophet has to offer. We are confident that your journey will bring you to the stark realization that we are currently in the battle of our lives between Good and Evil. As a result, we MUST develop a close loving relationship with the Lord Jesus for our very salvation and survival, and that the most precious thing that we can do is the preservation/sanctification of our soul for an eternity in His Kingdom.

When researching any Prophet listed anywhere on this website, and in the Prophetic Directory Section, ask the Holy Spirit for discernment, and use Bible Scripture to check the validity of everything you hear. Not everyone is a Prophet, and not all are called by our Lord to the Office of the Prophet. There are various degrees of prophetic gifting inclusive here. The Prophetic Directory includes some individuals called to the Office, but a great majority have a gifting to a much lesser degree – so due diligence in discernment is vital here.