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Mike Thompson

Mike Thompson and his wife CK (also prophetic) founded the Word of life World Outreach Ministry and Church in South Las Vegas, Nevada, http://www.wordoflifeworldoutreach.org/. Pastor Mike is also the Director of Fellowship of Spirit-Filled Ministries, an association of nondenominational ministers intent on hosting the Glory of God and Revival on planet Earth. Pastor Mike has 40 years of experience in full time ministry service, and received a special anointing for healing of hearts as well as hosting the Glory of God for the upcoming Revival in Jesus Christ. Mike receives many prophetic messages from the Lord Jesus that he shares on youtube, in published articles as well on as his CD series. 

Pastor Mike has produced several CD’s covering a wide range prophetic faith teachings. “39 Hours That Changed The World” 3 CD set,  discusses the 3 days between the time Jesus died on the Cross, and His Resurrection, and what could have occurred during that time frame, i.e. how He conquered death and payed the penalty for our sin.

“Grace God’s Family System” 1 CD, sends a message of Grace given to Prophet Mike from the Lord. “How the Holy Spirit Transmits Heaven to You” 1 CD, discusses how the communication and transportation system in Heaven functions to bring Heaven to us. “Intercessory Prayer Lessons” 1 CD, teaches all about the art of intercessory prayer for individuals and prayer groups. “Mysteries of Prayer” 4 CD Set, is an in-depth discussion about how God is calling His people into mighty life changing intercession. “The Spirit of Shame Has Been Broken” 1 CD, talks about the one tactic of the enemy to keep God’s people from walking in their destiny – that is Shame. “Third Heaven Authority” 1 CD, teaches about an assignment Mike received from the Lord, to teach the Body of Christ about Third Heaven Authority. “Two Systems in the World & in the Church” 1 CD, Grace equals Heaven, Structure equals Hell. All of Mike’s CD’s can been seen here: worldoflifeworldoutreach.netviewshop.com/shop

Another great source for hearing Mike Thompson’s prophetic messages is on his You Tube channel, his videos can be seen here: https://www.youtube.com/user/pastormthompson