Clare Du Bois

Clare Du Bois and her husband Ezekiel (also prophetic) operate the Heart Dwellers Ministry at www.heartdwellers.org. Sister Clare has developed a very close and intimate relationship with Jesus, as can be experienced by listening to her many prophetic videos on her  Heart Dwellers website. The Heart Dwellers Ministry specializes in teaching believers how to live in divine intimacy with the Lord Jesus by living in His heart each day. 

Sister Clare has a large group of followers affectionately known as “The Heart Dwellers” whom Jesus, through Sister Clare, has lovingly referred to on many occasions.  The Heart Dwellers website is loaded with prophetic messages from the Lord concerning the end times we are currently in, all in .PDF format for easy downloading and printing – they can be found here: https://www.heartdwellers.org/all-pdf-files.html

Sister Clare has several books many of which can be downloaded in .pdf format from the Heart Dwellers website. “Tethered” is a survival guide for those that are left behind in the Tribulation. “Rhema” is a book containing selected readings from the Still Small Voice channel. “Chronicles of the Bride” is a message from the Lord Jesus about how much he longs for the company of His Bride. 
“Love Letters To My Bride” are recent prophecies from Jesus to the Bride of Christ. “Love Letters To My Bride 2” is a continuation of the those prophecies. “The Rapture Was Real?!” is a book of Hope and Instruction for those left behind after the Rapture. 
All of Sister Clare’s Books can be found here:  https://www.heartdwellers.org/books.html