Prophet Summaries

Dr. Rev. Steve Francis

Rivers of Life Ministries

Rev. Francis has been serving the Lord for more than 30 years and has been in full time Ministry work for more than…Read More 

Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj

Jesus Ministries

Brother Sadhu continues to perform speaking tours to more than 50 nations with messages of love and compassion. The Lord Jesus ga…Read More 

Rick Joyner

International MorningStar Ministries

MorningStar is a very diverse, multi-faceted ministry encompassing publications, conferences, fell….Read More 

Mark Taylor

Prophetic Author

Brother Mark, along with Mary Colbert,  has authored a highly successful book entitled “The Trump Prophecies” which discuss…Read More 

Bruce Allen

Still Waters International Ministries

Bruce and his wife Reshma founded Still Waters International Ministries, an end-time apostolic…Read More 

Lois Vogel Sharp

King of Glory Ministries

Early in life Sister Lois was blessed with a gift from God to see into the spiritual realm, the ability to discern spirits, and the gift of bringing fellow Christ…Read More 

Glynda Lomax

Wings of Prophecy

Gynda Lomax began receiving prophetic words and visions from the Lord concerning her personal life when she …Read More 

Neville Johnson

The Academy of Light

Brother Neville has been doing full time ministry work for over 40 years. During his vast experience, he founded two bible study schools that train…Read More 

Clare Du Bois

Heart Dwellers Ministry

Sister Clare has developed a very close and intimate relationship with Jesus, as can be experienced by listening to her many…Read More 

Bobby Conner

Eagles View Ministries

An International Ministry dedicated to the establishment of the Kingdom of God through the demonstration…Read More 

Amanda Grace

YouTube - Amanda Grace

Amanda Grace has a remarkable story about how the Lord has touched her life in so many ways beginning at the age of 6 years old. She went through …Read More 

Bob Jones

Did You Learn to LOVE Ministry

Prophet Bob Jones went home to be with Jesus on 2-14-14, a day of LOVE. Bob Jones started having prophetic experiences a…Read More 

Charlie Shamp

Destiny Encounters International Ministry

Charlie has been commissioned by Heaven as a Prophet with a special anointing to bring healing and revival to nations…Read More 

Bette Stevens

Victorious Vision Church International

Bette Stevens, affectionately known as Sister Bette, and her husband John…Read More 

Joe Sweet

Shekinah Worship Center

Pastor Joe Sweet was born again in 1977 after receiving a profound prophetic dream of the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus and a visitation of the Hol…Read More 

Mike Thompson

Word of life World Outreach Ministry

 Pastor Mike is also the Director of Fellowship of Spirit-Filled Ministries, an association of nondenominational ministers inten…Read More 

Elizabeth Marie

YouTube- LatterRain333

Elizabeth Marie is not only a wife, mother and teacher, but most importantly a follower and disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ. After receiving so many prophetic dreams…Read More 

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Prophetic Directory

This Directory is a work in progress, and by no means complete. There are many great Evangelists and Teachers not listed here – as we tried to focus on the individuals with more of a prophetic gift or anointing.


The lord Jesus uses numerous prophets with specialized anointing in many different areas of Christianity, in the furtherance of the kingdom of God. As an example, The anointing can include one or more of the following:

PROPHET / PROPHETESS – Summary Info Sources

It becomes important to following a series of trusted prophets for well-rounded messages and teachings. As an example, this section outlines a small series of prophets that we receive messages from on a regular basis. You may choose to follow some prophets here, or others you are comfortable with. The key is to pray to the Holy Spirit for discernment concerning all prophets you are interested in.

“Surely the Lord God does nothing,
Unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets”. Amos 3:7

“Surely the Lord God does nothing,
Unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets”. Amos 3:7

Choose From A Category Below

Prophetic Directory

This Directory is a work in progress, and by no means complete. There are many great Evangelists and Teachers not listed here – as we tried to focus on the individuals with more of a prophetic gift or anointing.


The lord Jesus uses numerous prophets with specialized anointing in many different areas of Christianity, in the furtherance of the kingdom of God. As an example, The anointing can include one or more of the following:

PROPHET / PROPHETESS – Summary Info Sources

It becomes important to following a series of trusted prophets for well-rounded messages and teachings. As an example, this section outlines a small series of prophets that we receive messages from on a regular basis. You may choose to follow some prophets here, or others you are comfortable with. The key is to pray to the Holy Spirit for discernment concerning all prophets you are interested in.