Bobby Conner

Bobby and his wife Carolyn founded Eagles View Ministeries, an International Ministry dedicated to the establishment of the Kingdom of God through the demonstration of God’s power through scripture, www.bobbyconner.org. For five decades, Bobby had been ministering all over the world as a seasoned prophet of God. Bobby has a strong anointing from God with a profound and passionate love for the Lord Jesus Christ, and a strong desire to discern and herald God’s voice to prepare the Bride for the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. From decades of building a strong relationship with Jesus, Bobby has been anointed with wisdom and revelation which he uses when putting out the word of God. Bobby is highly regarded as an International Prophet and conference speaker. He has preached the gospel to more than 50 nations all over the world. Bobby Conner is the author of more than 30 books. A sample of the books are “Shepherd’s Rod 2018” is a shift from Servant to Sonship. The reader will learn how the Lord is releasing revelation about our inheritance, and what it means to be joint heirs with Jesus Christ. “Shepherd’s Rod 2017” teaches about extremely powerful weapons for waging successful spiritual warfare against our adversary. “Shepherd’s Rod 2016” discusses the dire need for divine intervention on behalf of America, and how the Country must repent and return to God. The Shepherd’s Rod series continues from 2015 on to 2003 covering a wide range of spiritual topics. 

“Living in God’s Light” discusses the pathway to divine purpose, inspirational insights and life lessons that will release hope, impact, courage and confidence. “The Story of Ruth” is all about the ancient romance in the harvest hills of Israel and it’s deep prophetic meaning. “Advance” is the calling command from Heaven for the Body of Christ to advance towards prophetic maturity. “Times and Seasons” discusses the countless number of people turning to Jesus, and how the Spirit of God is anointing ordinary people to perform extraordinary feats for the Glory of God. “Walking in Victory” is God’s word and the Spirit coming together and revealing greater revelation of who Christ is in us, and who we are in Him, that propels the believer boldly forward to overcome all difficulties. “The Cross” is all about Bobby’s encounter with the Crucifixion of our Lord Jesus Christ. “Enpowered by God” teaches the believer to embrace the process and purpose of spiritual character and maturity, and the importance of investing our life in the the Kingdom of God.
All of Bobby’s books can be seen on the bobbyconner.org website here:  https://www.bobbyconner.org/bookstore/books
Another great source for hearing the prophetic word of Bobby Conner are the video clips on www.youtube.com of the many conferences he was a guest speaker of.
A recent video is here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8sol5Xgt06Y



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