Prophetic Directory

Prophetic Directory

This Directory is a work in progress, and by no means complete. There are many great Evangelists and Teachers not listed here – as we tried to focus on the individuals with more of a prophetic gift or anointing. Also, please keep in mind that not everyone is a Prophet. A great majority in this Directory are inclusive of individuals that have not been called by our Lord to the Office of Prophecy, but instead vary considerably in the degree and frequency of a prophetic gift. This is just a starting reference to assist you, as always, ask the Holy Spirit for discernment when exploring any name listed here. We have included the individuals in the Prophet Summaries Section in this Directory as well. 

Glynda Lomax recently released an excellent Youtube session entitled “How To Tell A Real Prophet From A Fake One”, there she explains all the critical points to look for, backed up by Scripture and her many years of experience as a Prophet for the Lord Jesus. The Video can be accessed here: Once again, ask the Holy Spirit for discernment and use Bible Scripture to check on everything you hear from any individual in this directory and on this website.

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Prophetic Directory

This Directory is a work in progress, and by no means complete. There are many great Evangelists and Teachers not listed here – as we tried to focus on the individuals with more of a prophetic gift or anointing.


The lord Jesus uses numerous prophets with specialized anointing in many different areas of Christianity, in the furtherance of the kingdom of God. As an example, The anointing can include one or more of the following:

PROPHET / PROPHETESS – Summary Info Sources

It becomes important to following a series of trusted prophets for well-rounded messages and teachings. As an example, this section outlines a small series of prophets that we receive messages from on a regular basis. You may choose to follow some prophets here, or others you are comfortable with. The key is to pray to the Holy Spirit for discernment concerning all prophets you are interested in.

“Surely the Lord God does nothing,
Unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets”. Amos 3:7

“Surely the Lord God does nothing,
Unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets”. Amos 3:7

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Prophetic Directory

This Directory is a work in progress, and by no means complete. There are many great Evangelists and Teachers not listed here – as we tried to focus on the individuals with more of a prophetic gift or anointing.


The lord Jesus uses numerous prophets with specialized anointing in many different areas of Christianity, in the furtherance of the kingdom of God. As an example, The anointing can include one or more of the following:

PROPHET / PROPHETESS – Summary Info Sources

It becomes important to following a series of trusted prophets for well-rounded messages and teachings. As an example, this section outlines a small series of prophets that we receive messages from on a regular basis. You may choose to follow some prophets here, or others you are comfortable with. The key is to pray to the Holy Spirit for discernment concerning all prophets you are interested in.

Prophet's Corner

Bruce Allen

Still Waters International Ministries

Bruce and his wife Reshma founded Still Waters International Ministries, an end-time apostolic…Read More 

Bobby Conner

Eagles View Ministries

An International Ministry dedicated to the establishment of the Kingdom of God through the demonstration…Read More 

Neville Johnson

The Academy of Light

Brother Neville has been doing full time ministry work for over 40 years. During his vast experience, he founded two bible study schools that train…Read More 

Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj

Jesus Ministries

Brother Sadhu continues to perform speaking tours to more than 50 nations with messages of love and compassion….Read More