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Lois Vogel Sharp

Lois is co-founder and co-pastor of King of Glory Ministries based out of Upstate New York which began in 1984 to feed the needy, www.kingofgloryonline.org. The website is loaded with important information concerning End of Time preparation (both spiritually and physically), to include a special area called “The Ark” that specializes in helping the 

Lord’s End Days remnant to safe zones and places of refuge/safehouses. King of Glory Ministries has partnered with ArkHaven Ministries, founder Ken Uptegrove (also prohetic) to further this cause. Information on The Ark and ArkHaven, can be found here: www.kingofgloryonline.org/partners.
Early in life Sister Lois was blessed with a gift from God to see into the spiritual realm, the ability to discern spirits, and the gift of bringing fellow Christians together in Love for one another. 
Lois frequently receives prophetic messages from our Father to prepare us for the End Times we are in. Signs, miracles and wonders have followed Sister Lois most of her ministry life. All of her prophetic messages can be heard on her YouTube channel “King of Glory Ministries here:  www.youtube.com/channel/UCBuNGcmH4n6bWS8ZRMqqIXQ
The Lord wanted Sister Lois to tell her story about her gift from God. This true account of the amazing power of God and Angelic Beings can be read in Sister Lois’ book entitled “Emerald Eyes”. The Emerald Eyes book promo can be seen here:  http://www.kingofgloryonline.org/emerald-eyes-book-promo